Trademonk has discovered that Activision has filed a trademark to protect the video game property Call Of Duty in relation to "pre-recorded movies featuring comedy, drama, action, adventure, music, theatrical performances and/or animation."
You might recall, in May Activision Blizzard CEO refused to comment ion f a Call of Duty movie was in the works, despite trade rumors that the video game publisher was shopping the idea around in Hollywood. Well the new trademark filing seems to confirm that a feature is in some form of development.
But do we really need a Call of Duty movie? And will audiences take a war movie based on a video game seriously? And will it involve Nazi Zombies? Here are some thoughts from /Film's Brendon Connelly from a previous posting:
The game series seeks to represent American, Soviet and British perspectives, a blend which is unusual in typical war pictures and could make for an interesting underlying premise to the adaptation. The occasional level of the game that requires the player character to 'go it alone' might make for good gameplay but would have to be handled sensibly in the film to avoid evoking infuriating 'John Wayne' heroics.
- Call of Duty: The Movie Is Planned