Sunday, October 18, 2009

The /Filmcast: After Dark - Ep. 71 - Digital Projection, Responding to Critics, and Banana Nut Bread (GUEST: Rian Johnson, Director of Brick and The Brothers Bloom)


The /Filmcast: After Dark is a recording of what happens right after The /Filmcast is over, when the kids have gone to bed and the guys feel free to speak whatever is on their minds. In other words, it's the leftover and disorganized ramblings, mindfarts, and brain diarrhea from The /Filmcast, all in one convenient audio file. In this episode, Dave Chen, Devindra Hardawar, and Adam Quigley discuss the virtues of digital projection, the psychological process of dealing with critics, the longevity of Titanic's appeal, and how much cooler Baked Alaska is than Banana Nut Bread. Special guest writer/director Rian Johnson joins us for this episode. Rian's latest film, The Brothers Bloom, is currently available for rental in iTunes, Blockbuster, Netflix, and plenty of other places right now.

After the break, you can see a photo of David's delicious banana nut bread. You can always e-mail us at slashfilmcast(AT)gmail(DOT)com, or call and leave a voicemail at 781-583-1993. Join us next Monday at 9 PM EST / 6 PM PST at Slashfilm's live page as we review Spike Jonze's Where the Wild Things Are.

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[And the before picture that Rian referred to]

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