Friday, July 24, 2009

[Forum] How Do I Go From Weight Loss to Weight Maintenance?

From Diet Blog Share:

Hello all!

I have lost 34 pounds in 7 months. I started to go to the gym in October of '08, and have gone consistently since. From October to January I lost no weight. However, I started to lose weight in January when I changed my eating, and began lifting weights three times a week.

I am almost at my goal, but I want to lose a few more pounds. However, I am very fearful of going into the maintenance mode. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I eat about 1200-1400 calories per day currently, and go to the gym 5 to 6 days a week. When I do cardio my goal is a 700 calorie workout, plus 100 sit-ups. On the other days I do a muscle conditioning class, and around 150 calorie cardio workout.

Can anyone advise on going from a weight loss to weight maintenance plan?


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